The main goal of luckyBackup, as its name states, is the creation of backups of your data.
Somebody once said:
“ if you haven’t backed up your data is like not having them at all !! ”
That is because, based at the laws of probability, some time, for some reason, something will happen and you will lose valuable data. Another guy once said:
“ computer users can be divided into 2 categories:
Those that have lost data
…and those that have not lost data YET ”
I really wish you to never come to that situation.
But if you do, then I hope that you backed up your data the very last minute either by using this application or not 🙂
It is simple to use, fast (transfers over only changes made and not all data), safe (keeps your data safe by checking all declared directories before proceeding in any data manipulation ), reliable and fully customizable.
On Ubuntu, line command, type:
$ sudo apt-get install luckybackup
After that, go on Applications->System menu…