What You Can Do About Your Stress, and Your Bad Boss

Dealing with a bad boss is a tricky proposition. I know a number of people who love their jobs but hate their managers, and when someone tells them to just quit and find a different job, they resist—mostly because they feel like everything else about their job is so perfect, they just need to get over this one thing to make it worthwhile. Quitting is an option, but it’s not the only one. Let’s look at some others.

  • Get a hobby, or another activity to de-stress right after work. One of the best things you can do to leave your stress at the office is to treat yourself to something rewarding and relaxing immediately at the end of your workday. Hit the gym every day after work, for example—you’ll do your body and mind a world of good, and it’ll help you work off the stress of the day so you’ll get home and open the door without that extra baggage.
  • Visualize, meditate, or take time alone to power through it. One of the tips we mentioned when discussing chronic stress and what you can do about it is to take some time alone and practice muscle relaxation techniques or visualization techniques that remove you from the things that stress you out. Whether you do it in the car before you head into the house every day, or before you begin the commute home from work, take some time to let your conscious mind take over, identify that you’re stressed, and break it down so you’re more aware of your actions and your responses to your family and friends.
  • Transfer to a different team or role in your company. Some companies encourage this and others don’t, but if yours does, it might be time to find another department to transfer to. Talk to your HR rep or, if you know they’re looking for talent, a person in that team and ask if you can apply for the position. You’ll have to handle this delicately: You don’t want your current boss to sabotage your efforts, but you do want to be up-front about your desire for a change of scenery. If you can swing it diplomatically, you may be able to stay with your company, continue to do what you love (or even try something new) and leave your bad boss behind.
  • Build your case. You don’t want to start treating your boss with the same unprofessional demeanor that they treat you with, but you will need to start thinking on your feet and coming up with ways to parry their attacks and barbs. Whether it means you have to document your work so you can prove how busy you are (great for when they make you feel bad for not being productive enough,) or start keeping a work diary or an awesomeness journal to document your successes and prove your value, it’s time to start a paper trail in your favor to use when your boss complains. Worst case, it’s a paper trail you can use when applying to new jobs.
  • Let your boss know. This one’s really tricky, but if your boss is a bad boss not out of malice but out of ignorance or ineptitude, a tactful and professional approach may work wonders. Of course, this won’t work on a boss that’s a jerk or just doesn’t care, but if the problem is that they’re busy themselves or suffering under the weight of their own boss and letting it bleed through to you, they may be receptive to change—and once you talk through it, they may be on your side. I can vouch for this from experience. No one wants to be stressed out, and if you can appeal to your boss’s better nature, they may understand and be willing to compromise and work with you instead of against you.
  • Talk to HR or your boss’s boss. Again, you have to really have faith that this may actually work and you won’t be retaliated against. In many cases, a bad boss is just the person standing in front of a worse boss, or the bad boss and their boss have a closer relationship than you think. HR may also be a trap—not every company takes complaints by employees seriously, and as soon as it gets back to your boss, you could be in for it. However, if you do trust your company’s HR rep or your boss’s boss to mediate, or know they value you more than your boss might, talk to them. Focus on the issue or behavior and not the person, and let them know you want to help your boss, and you’re otherwise happy and engaged in your role, but these very specific things have you stressed out. Ask how they can help, how they’ll follow up, whether your conversations are confidential, and when you can expect to hear from them. Some of what they do is confidential as well, but make sure you get some confirmation you’ve been heard.
  • Just quit. There is a tipping point where nothing you can do will make a bad boss any better, and no amount of exercise after work or therapy is going to change the fact that your boss makes you miserable every day, and in turn you inadvertently make your family and friends miserable when you’re around them. Even if the job is great, it might be time to look for better opportunities where your work will be appreciated. It can be difficult, but your health and your relationships are worth it.

Whatever you do, if your boss is stressing you out and you can see the signs of it seeping into your personal life, you need to do something. What you do is really a matter of the degree of stress you’re feeling. If you think it’s manageable with exercise or meditation, then don’t wait—start now. If you know you’ll never really be able to deal with it, and your boss will never change, more drastic action may be warranted. In the end though, stress impacts your productivity, your health, and now, studies show, the health and well being of the people closest to you. You—and they—deserve better.

How do you deal with an aggravating boss every day, and how do you leave them behind when you leave the office? When do you make the call that it’s time to go? Share your coping mechanisms and stress-relief techniques in the comments below.

excerpt from LifeHacker (copyright)

How to: Mount an ISO image under Linux

An ISO image is an archive file (disk image) of an optical disc using a conventional ISO (International Organization for Standardization) format. ISO image files typically have a file extension of .ISO. The name “ISO” is taken from the ISO 9660 file system used with CD-ROM media, but an ISO image can also contain UDF file system because UDF is backward-compatible to ISO 9660.

You can mount an ISO images via the loop device under Linux. It is possible to specify transfer functions (for encryption/decryption or other purposes) using loop device.

But, how do you mount an ISO image under Linux? You need to use mount command as follows:

Procedure to mount ISO images under Linux

1) You must login as a root user, if not root user then switch to root user using following command:
$ su -

2) Create the directory i.e. mount point:
# mkdir -p /mnt/disk

3) Use mount command as follows to mount iso file called disk1.iso:
# mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk

4) Change directory to list files stored inside an ISO image:
# cd /mnt/disk
# ls -l

More about loop device

A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO images and floppy disc images. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible. They appear in the mount point directory using above commands.

See also:

Becoming an Ubuntu Developer: a short guide

I’ve heard and/or read a number of complaints over the past while about how the process of becoming an Ubuntu Developer is difficult, so I thought I’d write up a short guide to one of the many paths to becoming a developer. I send this to the Ubuntu Developers list for maximum distribution, although I realise that many of you are already developers, so won’t find this as useful: please skip past it, or pass it on to those you know that are currently interested in becoming Ubuntu Developers (or extending the set of packages to which they have been granted upload rights).

Step 1: Membership
While it’s not required to be an Ubuntu Member before applying to be a developer, it is required that the criteria of Membership be met to be approved as a developer. In short, this means being actively involved with and contributing to Ubuntu for some time (usually about a development cycle, although it can be shorter for those with very strong contributions). Spend time interacting with other members of the community, and learn as much about how Ubuntu works and how it is created as possible. Those with a specific interest in development may find that the Masters of the Unseeded or the Bug Squad are good places to start, if there is no other team with whom they have a natural affinity. Those of more general involvement may obtain membership through any number of other sorts of contributions. More information on the requirements for Membership are available on the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership

Step 2: Start working in the area for which you want upload rights
We have an increasing number of packagesets, each targeting a specific area of development, and the negative space of all packagesets, where we tend to focus mostly on archive quality. Find an area that interests you, and get to know the developers actively working in that area. Start working on things that fit within your area of interest, building both expertise with the work you have selected and close relationships with others working in the same area. For example, if you wish to be a server developer, start working to fix bugs in packages in the server packageset, working closely with the Ubuntu Server team. Alternately, if you wish to be a core developer, start working to fix bugs in packages in the core packageset, working closely with other core developers. Your goal in this step is to become a peer to the other members of the relevant team. You may find it useful to review https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers to see some of the descriptions of the various sorts of developers.

Step 3: Prepare an application
Follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess to create your application. Clearly document your work in the areas of interest. Be especially sure to provide links to work done upstream (including in Debian) on packages in the target area, and any work where you were one of several contributing to a single uploaded revision, as the automated upload tracker in launchpad only reports those packages for which you have sole changelog credit. Documenting a few different types of work, or work in different parts of the release cycle (where different choices were required) can help show a broader understanding. The more specific you can be in every section of your application, the better: for example, a future plan to ensure Ubuntu provides the best possible turnkey PBX solution for the next LTS will often receive more credence than a short listing of “more of the same” for someone previously working on the VoIP stack, especially if it includes some details. If you are working on blueprints, listing your outstanding blueprint-related tasks here (with links) is a great way to provide detail. When seeking endorsements for your application, a good strategy is to ask anyone who suggests you should apply to endorse your application, and ask anyone sponsoring your work to endorse you (best to ask at the time they are sponsoring it). If someone says they haven’t seen enough of your work to endorse you, ask them for a task or two: helping folk with their work is nearly guaranteed to get you good endorsements.

Step 4: Apply
Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard for upcoming meeting dates and times, and send a notification of your application to the mailing list at least a week before the meeting you wish to attend. Be prepared to answer a few questions: these are usually related to your prior work, other information on your application, or Ubuntu development policies and procedures. If your application is deferred for some reason, contact the DMB members who were not yet convinced, and ask them to help you develop a plan to meet their expectations: many current Ubuntu Developers were deferred at first pass, but it is a rare case that someone actively involved was unable to complete the expectations within a few months, and for some it is possible to address the outstanding issues in time for the following meeting.

Good luck. If you’re feeling stuck along the way, feel free to ask other developers with whom you work regularly for guidance or suggestions. Failing that, ask generally in #ubuntu-devel at freenode, or contact a member of the DMB.

Originally sent by Emmet Hikory to the ubuntu-devel mailing list on Thu Jan 27 05:01:01 UTC 2011

Qt apps on Ubuntu

As part of our planning for Natty+1, we’ll need to find some space on the CD for Qt libraries, and we will evaluate applications developed with Qt for inclusion on the CD and default install of Ubuntu.

Ease of use, and effective integration, are key values in our user experience. We care that the applications we choose are harmonious with one another and the system as a whole. Historically, that has meant that we’ve given very strong preference to applications written using Gtk, because a certain amount of harmony comes by default from the use of the same developer toolkit. That said, with OpenOffice and Firefox having been there from the start, Gtk is clearly not an absolute requirement. What I’m arguing now is that it’s the values which are important, and the toolkit is only a means to that end. We should evaluate apps on the basis of how well they meet the requirement, not prejudice them on the basis of technical choices made by the developer.

In evaluating an app for the Ubuntu default install, we should ask:

  • is it free software?
  • is it best-in-class?
  • does it integrate with the system settings and preferences?
  • does it integrate with other applications?
  • is it accessible to people who cannot use a mouse, or keyboard?
  • does it look and feel consistent with the rest of the system?

Of course, the developer’s choice of Qt has no influence on the first two. Qt itself has been available under the GPL for a long time, and more recently became available under the LGPL. And there’s plenty of best-in-class software written with Qt, it’s a very capable toolkit.

System settings and prefs, however, have long been a cause of friction between Qt and Gtk. Integration with system settings and preferences is critical to the sense of an application “belonging” on the system. It affects the ability to manage that application using the same tools one uses to manage all the other applications, and the sorts of settings-and-preference experience that users can have with the app. This has traditionally been a problem with Qt / KDE applications on Ubuntu, because Gtk apps all use a centrally-manageable preferences store, and KDE apps do things differently.

To address this, Canonical is driving the development of dconf bindings for Qt, so that it is possible to write a Qt app that uses the same settings framework as everything else in Ubuntu. We’ve contracted with Ryan Lortie, who obviously knows dconf very well, and he’ll work with some folks at Canonical who have been using Qt for custom development work for customers. We’re confident the result will be natural for Qt developers, and a complete expression of dconf’s semantics and style.

The Qt team have long worked well in the broader Ubuntu community – we have great Qt representation at UDS every six months, the Kubuntu team have deep experience and interest in Qt packaging and maintenance, there is lots of good technical exchange between Qt upstream and various parts of the Ubuntu community, including Canonical. For example, Qt folks are working to integrate uTouch.

I’d draw a distinction between “Qt” and “KDE” in the obvious places. A KDE app doesn’t know anything about the dconf system configuration, and can’t easily integrate with the Ubuntu desktop as a result. So we’re not going to be proposing Amarok to replace Banshee any time soon! But I think it’s entirely plausible that dconf, once it has great Qt bindings, be considered by the KDE community. There are better people to lead that conversation if they want, so I’ll not push the idea further here :-) . Nevertheless, should a KDE app learn to talk dconf in addition to the standard KDE mechanisms, which should be straightforward, it would be a candidate for the Ubuntu default install.

The decision to be open to Qt is in no way a criticism of GNOME. It’s a celebration of free software’s diversity and complexity. Those values of ease of use and integration remain shared values with GNOME, and a great basis for collaboration with GNOME developers and project members. Perhaps GNOME itself will embrace Qt, perhaps not, but if it does then our willingness to blaze this trail would be a contribution in leadership. It’s much easier to make a vibrant ecosystem if you accept a certain amount of divergence from the canonical way, so to speak ;-) Our work on design is centered around GNOME, with settings and preferences the current focus as we move to GNOME 3.0 and gtk3.

Of course, this is a perfect opportunity for those who would poke fun at that relationship to do so, but in my view what matters most is the solid relationship we have with people who actually write applications under the GNOME banner. We want to be the very best way to make the hard work of those free software developers *matter*, by which we mean, the best way to ensure it makes a real difference in millions of lives every day, and the best way to connect them to their users.

To the good folks at Trolltech, now Nokia, who have made Qt a great toolkit – thank you. To developers who wish to use it and be part of the Ubuntu experience – welcome.

Originally posted by Mark Shuttleworth here on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 at 9:01 am