Face Recognition Security Software

A quick Google search turned up a number of projects in early development, and a couple of commercial systems with price tags in the hundreds of dollars (presumably for enterprise-level applications).

Of course, you do know biometrics are a bit of a joke, and nowhere near as secure and reliable as a good password, right? You can fool 2D facial recognition apps with a photograph. Fingerprint scanners can be fooled by a piece of tape with a lifted fingerprint, or a piece of damp paper with a photocopy of the person’s fingerprint. Voice recognition software can be fooled by a digital voice recorder with a decent speaker.

And all of them will fail due to normal bodily changes. Gain or lose a few pounds, or wear a bit more or less makeup than usual, and the facial recognition software might not recognize your face. Get a cut or burn on your finger, and the fingerprint scanner won’t let you log in to your computer. Catch a cold or laryngitis, and neither will voice recognition software.

On the other hand, if a password is at least eight characters, includes numbers and/or special characters, and is something you can easily remember, it will always work, and is very secure as long as you keep it in your head.

Published by

Claudio Cardozo

Ubuntu Kernel Team Membership, Certified SCRUM Master, System Architect, Open Source enthusiastic, Java and JavaFX passioned, OpenCRX Team, Theologist, minimalist lifestyle, eitaa!

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