Multiple Instances of WildFly on Different Ports on Same Machine

WildFly can be started on the default port 8080 using:


The default landing page is then accessible at localhost:8080 and looks like:


The default admin console is accessible at localhost:9990/console and looks like:


Do you want to start another WildFly standalone instance on the same machine on a different port ?

./bin/ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=1000

will start another standalone server on port 8080 + 1000. And so the landing page is now accessible at localhost:9080. Similarly, admin console is now accessible at localhost:10990/console.

Similarly, you can start multiple instances by specifying port offset.

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Published by

Claudio Cardozo

Ubuntu Kernel Team Membership, Certified SCRUM Master, System Architect, Open Source enthusiastic, Java and JavaFX passioned, OpenCRX Team, Theologist, minimalist lifestyle, eitaa!