I’ve been working with web services a lot this past week, specifically with Apache CXF, and here are a few notes I’ve learned about hitting one of my web services from a browser.
Looking at the WSDL for a web service from a browser
To view the WSDL document for the web service I created named UserService
, I just went to the following URL in my browser:
For my purposes right now I’m just running the web service using the CXF core under JBoss Tomcat, so my UserService
web service is available at that URL.
Calling a web service set method from a browser
To call a method on my web service named setTwoNumbers
, which shows up in the WSDL as setTwoNumbers(int param0, int param1)
, I typed this as a URL in my browser:
Calling a web service get method from a browser
After first calling my method to set the two parameters, I was then able to call these two methods and get my numbers (5 and 10) back from them:
http://localhost:8080/test/services/UserService/getNum1 http://localhost:8080/test/services/UserService/getNum2